Universal Analytics is going away

Notice from https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/11583528

Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it's replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing data. We strongly encourage you to make the switch to Google Analytics 4 as soon as possible

Ultimately, what it all means is that you have to use Google's new version of Analytics beyond July 1st, 2023. Your website will need to be "re-connected" in order to access the new account. It's important to know that the actual traffic and data is not being migrated over from the old to the new account. You will still be able to access the old account for some time, but if you're using Analytics regularly you want to get the new version in place as soon as possible.

For more information on making the switch, see https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10759417

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Posted on by Nathan Lyle in General News.

About Nathan Lyle

Nathan is a father of four, an amateur musician, and an aspiring photographer. He started programming in 4th grade on an Apple II+ and many years later spent much of his college years freelancing website design for college departments. Nathan is a veteran of the Browser Wars, and will gladly talk at length about the changes he has seen in Web technology if you accidentally ask him.

4 Comments On This Post
  1. Michael Nolte says:

    I’m the volunteer IT guy for University Commons Ann Arbor and I’m not sure if we even use Google Analytics.

    1. Nathan Lyle says:

      Hi Michael, I don’t see a property for UC on our end (meaning we hadn’t previously set one up for you) and I don’t see any code for analytics in the site, so most likely you aren’t currently using it.

  2. Laura Carpenter says:

    Hi Nathan,

    Would you be able to help me with this transition please?

    We have 6 Google Ads Accounts. I have left a message with Google to see about getting rid of most or maybe all at this point? Do I understand correctly that the Google Ads is being replaced with Google Analytics 4?

    Do you provide Google Ads Services?

    Thank you!

    1. Nathan Lyle says:

      Hi Laura, we can certainly assist with the change from the old to the new version of analytics on the website. We don’t directly work with Google Ads services though. I can get you in touch with someone who does, if you’re interested. I’ll reach out by email to assist further.

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