We post information here that we hope you will find useful, covering topics from email spam to website tips and more.
Your domain name is a little like a business card in that it makes an impression about your business. Once you’ve had a domain in use for a while, it can be difficult to switch to a new one, as … read more Choose Your Domain Name Carefully
Note: This information is only for invoices that are NOT for domain names. All domain name billing is handled directly through maestrodomains.com. Our regular billing goes out by email. You will receive an invoice that looks like the following: Clicking … read more Managing Your Invoices & Payment Information
You can take advantage of Google’s large server space (and save your hosting account’s space for your website) by pulling your email in to your Gmail address. By setting up a POP connection, Google will log in to your email … read more Using Gmail To Check Another Email Account
If you’re the kind of person who isn’t sure what a browser is, and have always just thought of that E icon on your desktop as the icon for the Internet, you probably don’t care about this news. However, if … read more Big Changes in the Land of Giants
Do you have multiple email addresses that you’re having to check? Are you running into problems with storage space because you never delete emails? If so, you may want to consider using a free Gmail account to manage all your … read more The Joy of Having Only One Inbox
The short answer: it depends. Being on social media as a business will not work the same way for every kind of business. There are many factors that will go into a successful (or not) social online presence. Some types … read more How Important is Social Media?