Paying an invoice directly from your bank account is a great way to save some time and cut down on your credit card costs. There's a few steps involved in getting things set up, but you can set the system to remember your connection to make future invoice payments even easier. See the outline of steps below...
In your invoice email from My Web Maestro, you'll see a green "View Invoice" button... click that to bring up the invoice within our Freshbooks billing system.
When the invoice comes up, it will possibly default to the credit card option... look toward the top right for the tabs that let you choose payment options and click on "Bank Transfer"... then you can also choose to check the box for "Save this bank account" to remember it for future payments. Click the green "Pay" button to proceed.
You should now see a pop-up explaining how Freshbooks handles the connection to the bank... click the "Continue" button
Scroll down to find your bank, or use the search field to find it... if you are unable to find your bank, you might not be able to use the ACH option.
Once selected, it'll ask you to enter your bank account login - this is the username and password you use to access your online bank account. This lets the system connect to get your authorization for payment.
Once you've authenticated, the system will want to double-check and confirm you are you through secondary verification. It will provide you with several options to have a verification code sent to you... choose an option and click "Continue"
Once verified, you'll see a list of your bank accounts... select the account you want to make the payment from and click "Continue"
Next you'll enter your name and email address to be used for sending your receipt (this is required)... this step will authorize the actual payment to go through. Enter your information and click "Authorize Account".
You should then see a note saying the payment has been made, and if you've opted to save the banking information for future payments, it'll ask for your Freshbooks password to save the account. This is the password you may have already set up when viewing an invoice from us - by creating the password, Freshbooks will let you see all of your invoices with us in one place. (You are not required to save ACH information to make a single payment.)