Domain Names


Your domain name is your identity on the Web. Names are not actually purchased, but are registered for a set period of time. Even if you’re not ready to put a website together, you can reserve your domain name today to avoid letting someone else get it first. If your business or organization has a name that is easily misspelled, you may want to consider registering multiple domain names which can then all point to the same website.

You should always consider your choice in domain names carefully. You want to protect your brand (whether business or organization) but you also want to make sure you avoid the unintended consequence of having your domain say something you don't want it to.

NOTE: There is always a risk, when searching for whether a domain is already taken, that a domain you search for can then be purchased by people monitoring searches, to be re-sold, increasing the cost. (Sometimes called "domain squatting".) This risk exists when searching at a registrar, or even just typing it into your browser's address bar. (See for details.) If you are working with us on your website, or hosting with us, we would be happy to do a direct database search for you for any domain names you're interested in, to help make sure they don't get taken before you make your choice. Just let us know.


Domain Name Transfers

Transferring a domain name to us has the same cost as registering a new domain name, and includes a 1-year free extension. You can transfer your existing domain names from any other registrar. When transferring a domain, you don’t lose the time you’ve already paid for... we just add a year to what you already have!

You can transfer domains yourself or we'll be happy to guide you through it.


Domain Name Backordering

If the domain name you want is already registered, you can still own it! Secure your chance to snag up a domain* the instant it becomes available.

Includes the cost of registering the domain name.

If you don’t get the name, you don’t lose — just re-assign to another name.

* Includes .COM, .CO, .INFO, .ORG, .NET, .ME, .MOBI, .US or .BIZ.

Take your time and choose your domain name wisely...

Your domain name is a little like a business card in that it makes an impression about your business. Once you’ve had a domain in use for a while, it can be difficult to switch to a new one, as you often then have to update all your print marketing and get your customers to to change their habits when finding you online. It pays to put some thought into choosing your domain name at the beginning.

When picking a domain name, the .com extension is still the most popular and well recognized. However, there are many more to choose from these days, aside from the familiar .com, .net, and .org that most of us are used to. Some of them are more expensive, but it can allow you some freedom and creativity. 

Worse than a domain name that doesn’t quite fit you right though, is a domain name that seems to say something else... as shown in the list here. 

  • (Pen Island)
  • (Who Represents)
  • (Winters Express)
  • (Therapist Finder)
  • (Speed of Art)
  • (Dickson Data)
  • (North Lake Tahoe)
  • (Master Bait & Tackle)
  • (Analemma Society)
  • (Old Man’s Haven)
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