Spam Hall of Shame

I recently received an even more blatant example of phishing in my inbox… it claims to be sent by an admin for cPanel, involving undelivered messages. They use that because they know that people will worry about missing emails, and … read more Fake cPanel Administrator Emails

You almost have to admire the gall it takes to use a fake email supposedly warning you about suspicious activity on your account, to trick you into clicking a link that then downloads malware giving someone access to your account. … read more Fake Notification Phishing

Yet another example in the long line of emails meant to scare you into clicking a link and giving away the keys to your kingdom… this one mimics notifications sent by some services that let you know when a different … read more Fake Email Notifications – Yet Another Phishing Example

One of the frustrating ways that hackers will try to get access to your website is through official looking notifications that alert you to an issue with your bandwidth or disk space for your hosting account. They hope to get … read more Disk Quota Notification Trick

The Fear Tactic Yet Again

/ Nathan Lyle

I recently found another example of emails sent that try to use fear to get you to click a link and very likely install malware that will give the sender access to your computer. This one had a subject of … read more The Fear Tactic Yet Again

My Web Maestro