It’s pretty normal for various online services to show up in your hosting account’s bandwidth logs, thanks to various “bots” (automated software) that are looking for information from your site. Every website online will have a normal background noise of … read more Facebook May Be Abusing Your Website With It’s facebookexternalhit Bot
Google + has officially admitted defeat in the battle for social media attention. While I’ve never known anyone who used Google + regularly, I do know a handful of people who’ve maintained profiles there. And Google, for their part, strong … read more Google + Says Goodbye
The short answer: it depends. Being on social media as a business will not work the same way for every kind of business. There are many factors that will go into a successful (or not) social online presence. Some types … read more How Important is Social Media?
Some people, in seeking to keep costs down, will skip building a website for their business and just use a Facebook page. It’s online, it lets you post information and photos, so isn’t that just as good as a website? … read more Do I Really Need a Website? I’ve Already Got a Facebook Page…
If you haven’t heard of Twitter or Facebook, it’s likely you’ve been on another planet for the last five years. Just when you were getting comfortable with this whole Web thing, now everyone’s talking about social media, tweets and photo … read more Can Businesses Be Social?