Author Archives: Nathan Lyle

About Nathan Lyle

Nathan is a father of four, an amateur musician, and an aspiring photographer. He started programming in 4th grade on an Apple II+ and many years later spent much of his college years freelancing website design for college departments. Nathan is a veteran of the Browser Wars, and will gladly talk at length about the changes he has seen in Web technology if you accidentally ask him.

It’s pretty normal for various online services to show up in your hosting account’s bandwidth logs, thanks to various “bots” (automated software) that are looking for information from your site. Every website online will have a normal background noise of … read more Facebook May Be Abusing Your Website With It’s facebookexternalhit Bot

I recently received an even more blatant example of phishing in my inbox… it claims to be sent by an admin for cPanel, involving undelivered messages. They use that because they know that people will worry about missing emails, and … read more Fake cPanel Administrator Emails

You almost have to admire the gall it takes to use a fake email supposedly warning you about suspicious activity on your account, to trick you into clicking a link that then downloads malware giving someone access to your account. … read more Fake Notification Phishing

Notice from Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it’s replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing data. We strongly encourage you to make the switch to Google Analytics 4 as soon as possible … read more Universal Analytics is going away

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Yet another example in the long line of emails meant to scare you into clicking a link and giving away the keys to your kingdom… this one mimics notifications sent by some services that let you know when a different … read more Fake Email Notifications – Yet Another Phishing Example

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