Web Design

My Web Maestro will work with you to make your website your highest performing employee.

WEB Maintenance

My Web Maestro will work with you to keep your website content and software up to date and secure!

Web Hosting

Reliable and affordable web hosting with full access to cPanel and industry standard features...

Web Design, Hosting, WordPress Maintenance, & More!

My Web Maestro is a small but experienced web design company, with clients in 19 states and 122 cities. For over two decades, we've specialized in cutting-edge web design services, hosting, domain name registration, and other website-related services. We live and breathe the web. What does that mean for you? If you're a small to medium-sized business or organization looking to make your web presence professional and effective... you're in the right place.

Best of all, working with us is easy and painless. Our refined process ensures that you'll get online and in front of your customers in the most efficient way possible... leaving you and your team free to focus on your business.

Domain Names

Every website starts with a great domain name!

You can register your new domain name with (or transfer a name registered somewhere else to) us at maestrodomains.com. (All transfers retain their registered time and have one year added for free!) Enter a domain name in the field below to start your search.

WordPress Maintenance

We'll keep your software up to date and secure!

My Web Maestro offers a cost-effective monthly maintenance plan for WordPress websites, regardless of your hosting provider. Regular maintenance is critical to keeping your site secure and running smoothly. 


We're known for playing well with others!

If you’re a marketing firm, graphic design company, or even another web design agency, we can help you complete solid website projects for your clients. We have years of experience working with related providers (even our competition) on many kinds of website projects. Get in touch and let us know how we can help!

Let us put 20+ years of experience to work for you.

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Security Social Media

Facebook May Be Abusing Your Website With It’s facebookexternalhit Bot

It's pretty normal for various online services to show up in your hosting account's bandwidth logs, thanks to various "bots" (automated software) that are looking for information from your site. Every website online will have a normal background noise of this kind of traffic, but in this case, the facebookexternalhit bot is sucking up gigabytes...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Fake cPanel Administrator Emails

I recently received an even more blatant example of phishing in my inbox... it claims to be sent by an admin for cPanel, involving undelivered messages. They use that because they know that people will worry about missing emails, and are likely to click a link before thinking too deeply about it. Always triple-think before...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Fake Notification Phishing

You almost have to admire the gall it takes to use a fake email supposedly warning you about suspicious activity on your account, to trick you into clicking a link that then downloads malware giving someone access to your account. Almost. I've just recently seen several examples of this email showing up in my inbox:...
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General News

Universal Analytics is going away

Notice from https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/11583528 Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it's replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing data. We strongly encourage you to make the switch to Google Analytics 4 as soon as possible Ultimately, what it all means is that you have to use Google's new version of...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Scam: MaiIbox Storage Quota Limit

I've been seeing more and more of the "fake account warning" types of phishing emails lately, so am assuming others are as well. In the last week I've seen about ten of these types in my inbox: They use several tricks to make you think it's a legitimate notification: They include your email address in...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Fake Email Notifications – Yet Another Phishing Example

Yet another example in the long line of emails meant to scare you into clicking a link and giving away the keys to your kingdom... this one mimics notifications sent by some services that let you know when a different location has logged into your account. (Google does this, as does Dropbox, and some others.)...
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General News Marketing SEO Software Updates

Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics

Starting July 1st, of 2023, Google Analytics 4 will be replacing Universal Analytics (so I guess it's not so universal after all, lol.)  What does this mean? If you are currently using Google Analytics with your website, you'll need to create a new GA4 property. Google is saying that you'll have access to the older...
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Proper Format for a Copyright Notice

Copyright is a big issue for anyone putting content out into the world. While nothing works to protect you 100% from those who have no qualm in stealing, it's definitely important to cover your bases as much as possible. Something you might not know - a copyright notice is not legally required for protection to...
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Security Spam Hall of Shame

Disk Quota Notification Trick

One of the frustrating ways that hackers will try to get access to your website is through official looking notifications that alert you to an issue with your bandwidth or disk space for your hosting account. They hope to get you to click a link in the email to either inadvertently download malware, or log...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

The Fear Tactic Yet Again

I recently found another example of emails sent that try to use fear to get you to click a link and very likely install malware that will give the sender access to your computer. This one had a subject of "Mail Server Notification", which sounds all nice and official, and it then proceeds to try...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Mailbox Quota Exceeded – Email Notification

Here's another example of an email you should always be suspicious of... the "hurry up your email is not working" message. Always be suspicious of messages that try to induce a bit of panic or fear - they do this to get you to click before thinking. The rule of thumb we always get on...
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General News Software Updates

WordPress Update 5.8

Version 5.8 is now out, named "Tatum" in honor of Art Tatum (a legendary Jazz pianist.) A lot of what's new in this version of WordPress relates to the native block editor for page content. (We use a custom page builder for websites we develop, so if we built your website for you, the block...
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General News Software Updates

WordPress Update 5.6

If you subscribe to one of our maintenance plans, then this month (December 2020) we'll be updating your WordPress software to version 5.6, which is now available. This version is named for American singer and songwriter Nina Simone.  Much of the changes appear to relate to improvements with the built in block system for working...
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General News Security Spam Hall of Shame

New Malware Trick (Form Spam)

There are always new tricks being tried to get you to reveal information or download malware to your computer. The most recent common one we've seen has tried to use fear of legal repercussions to get you to click a link (which very likely would install malware or ransomware on your computer.) It's at this...
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Email Security Spam Hall of Shame

Don’t be Fooled by Predatory PayPal Money Requests

This isn't a case of PayPal acting in a predatory manner, but of people taking advantage of one of the PayPal features where you can request money from anyone with an email address. While it's great that there's an easy way to do this, it means that it's also easy for spammers and scammers to...
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Meeting People & Doing Business Virtually

With self imposed quarantine and social distancing changing our national routine almost overnight, being able to connect with each other over the Internet is more important than ever. If you haven't already found a good tool you can use to connect remotely, here's a short list of some popular options that include free plans.  Blizz...
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General News Hosting Software Updates

Controversial cPanel Price Increase

cPanel has been the world's most popular control panel for Linux-based servers. Chances are, if you've purchased website hosting, you've encountered cPanel at some point. The software is licensed by hosting providers, and license fees are typically wrapped into the hosting costs you pay. This last June (2019), cPanel announced an unexpectedly large price increase...
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Email Spam Hall of Shame

Don’t Panic, Don’t (Most of the Time) Click!

One of the easiest ways to misery is being tricked into clicking a link in the wrong email. Many spam messages will have links, that if clicked, will end up installing viruses or malware on your computer. These fall under the "phishing" category.  There are some legit messages you might receive from companies like PayPal...
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Email How To...

How To Make Sure You Receive Our Emails

If you are having trouble receiving email from My Web Maestro, it's possible that our mail is getting flagged as spam and either being deleted or sent to your junk/spam folder. We recommend that you "whitelist" our domain name or email address. There are a few different email addresses you might receive mail from us...
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Domain Names Spam Hall of Shame

Domain Listings – Website Listing Service

Some domain name related scams are easy to sniff out because if you do a Google search on their name, you find hundreds of pages showing examples of it with warnings to not send them money. This one is one of those.  The folks behind Domain Listings send you a letter by snail mail (to...
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My Web Maestro